Friday, June 22, 2018


The Fever about cryptocurrency is increasing, people have heard about it, and more and more people want to find more about it, and find a way to be a part of it. When blockchain technology came, so many things changed, for better, we say. So many businesses have improved, so many companies have started using crypto currencies in their work. The new ideas are coming every day. People want to invest in the new projects. We have the biggest tool in the world, and it is called the Internet. The internet is a enormous base of information where we can do anything. Internet has connected the entire world. One of these projects is Binautic

Bit Nautic Platform As It Relates To The Overview of The Shipping Industry
Accessibility is now assured in the world today because of the advancement in technology. This phenomenon also applies to the shipping and the cargo industry. Therefore, the goods and commodities still need to travel the same distance as before to reach the consumer. It is possible today to imagine the shipments that can reach the other side of the world without even crossing through the human hands.
The Bit Nautic Decentralized Platform for shipping and cargo creates a system for individuals, shipping companies, brokers, agents, traders, manufacturers and producers to observe and to follow the analytics produced by the platform when making decisions, allocating resources or adding new shipments to their operations.
Problems Facing The Shipping Industry
The container shipping is the most carbon efficient means of transporting most goods across the world. Even though most of the world’s manufactured goods and products are transported by container ships, the industry is facing a tough and unpredictable future.
The shipping industry is facing high administrative burdens of managing and writing claims with a lot of paperwork requiring signatures multiple times.
As far as it has gone back, the whole shipping community has never been on the same platform for the issues related to payments and transactions. Although, by introducing a new way of doing things, these challenges facing the shipping industry are still much but they can still be properly addressed, such that all stake holders in shipping industry sector can see positive impacts on all their future transactions.
Below Are Some Of The Major Problems Facing The Shipping Industry
· Security Threats
· Poor Tracking
· Environmental Regulations
· Labor Disputes and job Cuts
· Lack Of Transparency
The Solutions Or The Remedy To These Problems
Based on the surveys and the reports, there are significant problems being faced by the martime industry. One of its kind, BitNautic facilitates an open market and freetrade, increased international cooperation, government support, public-private partnerships within the industry, knowledge sharing and bridging a gap between the regulators and shipping industry. Because of BitNautic, all concerned parties such as transporters, shippers, cargo owners, and agents will come on the same page and negotiate their own terms. Therefore, it will avoid the long chains that will arise due to multiple parties involvement. All these things happen because of the power of blockchain and also the virtue of the E-commerce platform which make it possible that imported or exported goods can be traded along with the local goods available. The platform will also provide special features including QR code, GPS based suggestions, deals and discount alerts.
The Bitnautic Blockchain
This chain would be based on the Ethereum hard fork along with some improvements in the algorithm for improvements in transaction cost and time. Bit Nautic would also be using smart contracts for various payments on the platform.
The ICO — Initial Coin Offering
The token supply will be 50,000,000 while BitNautic will furnish 35 million BTNT to raise 25,000 ETH in its ICO. The ICO will end after the deadline or if the goal is reached earlier. But if the soft goal is not reached, then the funds would be refunded to the investors.
The Capital structure will be as follows:

The main ICO will start on April 15, 2018 and it will last until June 15, 2018. During this period, bonus schemes will also be introduced to reward early adopters of Bit Nautic.




Be a part of this incredible project. Download the whitepaper for the full scoop.
Till next time...
For more information, please visit:
Author : Maniecool
Bitcointalk profile link:;u=1692995

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